Tuesday, February 28, 2012

                In class on Thursday we listened to a radio talk show host interview with a man who recently published the book “The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future.”  Mark Bauerlein, diligent researcher and professor at an Ivy League school, is the author of this book and his interview with the host of the talk show.  During the interview Mark failed to show an unbiased opinion the entire time.
                Mark compares Ivy League students to students of other universities and says that the ones attending the prestigious schools know how to research properly, they actually use books for research and not the internet, and they are “better” in a way.  I wanted to bring up an argument that not many kids can afford going to colleges as expensive as those.  I’m sure that if we tested every kid at every university there will be numerous kids who score just as high as Ivy League students on tests.  The fact that Mark insists that these kids are better enrages me.  Another point Mark himself brought up was the fact that parents/ grandparents will criticize their kids/ grandkids on the fact that they are on the computer too much, or they aren’t reading enough books.  This could be argued in that we are using the computer to do our homework, and finish up projects.  Elder people think the computer is just a leisurely activity that teens now-a-days use to socialize, and just as a web browser.  I, for one, use the internet as an ultimate research tool.  It helps me complete my physics homework every week, and if it wasn’t for the internet I’d be failing many classes.  The internet is a place that has every tool you need to do almost anything you want to.  Technology has changed and people need to understand that with that change means we are becoming a lot more efficient.  Almost every book, encyclopedia, dictionary, writer (Microsoft Word), presentation (Microsoft Powerpoint), etc. is right there on our desks at home. We don’t need to go to the library to find an article or type a paper.
                As one of my class mates said kids now-a-days have a lot more drive to go to college.  If we don’t go to college, we will not amount to anything.  The fact that our parents criticize us on being lazy is complete hypocrisy.  Back in their day, college was not a necessity; one could get a job just by knowing someone in the business.  Mark should know that we aren’t lazy, we are EFFICIENT.  We find ways of doing something in half the time that it would have taken him to do it back in the 70s.


  1. I think that he is half wrong and half right. We are becoming dumber when it comes to grammar and math, but what he doesn't recognize is we are excelling in other areas. This world is turning to technology and that's what we're good at. There are 15 year old kids that can do things with computers that people over 30 couldn't dream of. Every generation has gone through this. Just because we lack in one area doesn't mean we are completely useless.

  2. I agree with joe that its half wrong and right. Kids that are younger than us now are becoming lazier and don't have the respect for elder people or what they have to say. Kids today just want to play video games instead of doing something without a tv or computer. I do agree that we are smart in computers and electronics. Kids today know their way around electronics thanks to the fact that we have grown up with them. We are finding new ways to do homework and finds things electronically instead of finding them in a library.

  3. In a sense, we are stupider.Mainly because of our technological advances, our generation have different characteristics as other generations. Reason being that we do not pay attention to things or learn something because information is easy to grasp by searching up the answer. By having so easy access to information, we do not have to learn or memorize something. A great example is my mother. She knew almost every one's phone number by heart but once she got a cell phone and it memorized it for her she cannot remember the numbers anymore. So technology has changed the way we focus on learning and getting information.

  4. I really want to know what this guy wants us to do? Our generation has been given computers and technology are we not suppose to use it? If he is going to complain about how "dumb" we are then why doesn't he try to get the Internet taken away from us? He sounded like a complete idiot and for him to call us dumb is dumb of him. We did not teach ourselves.. Our parents and teachers taught us and someone in class mentioned that he is just jealous, which I agree with because he did not have the tools that we have today and he is mad about that when there is nothing we can do about what we've been taught and what has been given to us.

  5. I think that in a way he is right, we are a lazier generation because we don't have to go out and get the information we need, it is right in front of us. However, if the people in generations had the resources we did I'm sure that they would be doing the same thing. It is not our fault that technology is growing and getting better and if its there then why not use it!

  6. It seems to me that every generation believes the younger generation be is "the laziest generation". How many times must it be said for people to realize that this is just not true? Mark Bauerlein thinks that just because this generation does not hold the same value towards certain things as the generations prior that this generation is stupid and lazy. This is blatant ignorance. Yes, we don't do research in the libraries flipping through pages and pages of books, instead we go to online databases and carefully manipulate our word choices so that we can find the exact essay that we were looking for. Neither method of researching is downright superior to the other. In the modern era things will change, and the first people to adapt to these changes is the young, new generation. Bauerlein should be less quick to judge us and maybe instead consider that the world is just passing him by.
